Potiphar12's Blog
An Octogenarian in the modern world

Archive for the ‘ENEMIES’ Category


October 17, 2019

Off tomorrow (courtesy of daughter and son-in-law) to visit places that meant something to me. This time, Maldon, Essex, where an Anglo-Saxon called Byrthnoth lost to some marauding vikings in 991. The Anlgo-Saxons are favourites of mine because of the loyalty of each tribe to it’s chief and their habit of fighting to the last […]


October 8, 2019

Ought not the title to be Science Fiction? The two are pretty mixed up. Sometimes nothing happens till an idea is created and then reality follows. At other times the thing comes first and then people write stories about it. Recently two writers of spy stories (Le Carre and Rimington) have been attacked by an […]


October 5, 2019

Congratulations on ignoring all the cautious advice given to you, and saying loud and clear what you really think. These clever diplomatic people (advisers) ignore the fact that what you feel, deep down, is a valuable signal and an indication of how you might act if you got the chance. If somebody really hates me, […]


June 1, 2016

Boris talked about a post-exit immigration policy based on the Australian model. That is a constructive suggestion and a change from all the negatives that have been flying about. The Australian policy exists, and works. The papers also reported a comment by Mr. Tusk directed to the Europhile Political Dreamers, amongst which I suppose he […]